Environmental policy

As a consumer of forest raw materials, Spikab AB must contribute to the operation being conducted in the most gentle way possible, for the environment and for the employees.

We must comply with current legislation and follow requirements and intentions, and as far as possible make sure that the raw material does not come from illegal or society unauthorized felling, key biotopes, forest areas where traditional or civil rights are violated, forests where high conservation values ​​are threatened, genetically engineered trees or natural forest that has been felled for the purpose of using the area for plantations or non-forest land use.

Follow the ILO’s core conversions regarding:

  • Child labour
  • Forced labour
  • Discrimination in the workplace
  • Join the union, and collective agreement

The business must be conducted and improved in such a way that the possible negative impact on the environment is reduced.

The raw material must, to the greatest possible extent, come from environmentally friendly certified forestry. Spikab AB must work to increase this volume.

We must responsibly fulfill our commitments to employees, society, the environment and contractors.

The staff must be trained and informed so that they can fulfill the above requirements and intentions.

Conscious environmental work

How we choose to produce and consume greatly affects the climate and our environment.

Our biggest environmental impact is through the transport we carry out when we visit and send deliveries. Therefore, most of our environmental policy is focused on how we should act to reduce our environmental impact and keep it under controlled forms.

  • When given the opportunity, we must take the chance to influence customers and stakeholders to think about the environment
  • Encourage them to reduce their environmental impact by coordinating transport
  • We will plan and coordinate our business trips.
  • We must prioritize shipping companies that have a policy with concrete environmental goals.
  • Where possible and economically reasonable, we must choose to travel by public transport.
  • Customer visits are done digitally if possible. Air travel is avoided in favor of trains or coordinated car journeys.
  • We collaborate with local suppliers who in turn produce based on local raw materials.
  • We prioritize digital marketing
  • The company’s vehicles must, to the extent possible, be replaced by electric vehicles where possible.
  • The company works actively to minimize electricity consumption in production.

Johan Norén
Mobile: 070-274 84 98
Office: 0929-108 50